UCSF's Enterprise GIS
A common operation picture was used to more effectively plan for construction in Mission Bay
Transform spreadsheets into GIS layers to explore and reveal spatial patterns and relationships
Apply Spatial Analytics in Your Research
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Create compelling maps and share your work through web-enabled applications
Genetic Code to the Zip Code
Convert a list of addresses to points on the map and then apply social, environmental, or medical data to explore relationships
Add Locations to Surveys
Create web & mobile friendly surveys that make it easy to collect data in the field


Geospatial @ UCSF is a program sponsored by UCSF Real Estate's Business Intelligence team to bring geospatial literacy to all aspects of UCSF: Clinical, Research, Operations, Planning, and Academics.


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Geospatial Technology

GIS layers stacked to form a mapGeospatial technology is a broad term that describes various software and hardware used to create and manage location information. A map is what most people envision when learning about geospatial technology or GIS (Geographic Information System) -- although the map is typically the end result following a complex set of tools and processes seeking to answer a question.

GIS is now a ubiquitous technology found in everyday products such as Google Maps. These products integrate various streams of data as well as allowing the user to query location information. GIS is not just a tool for navigation nor is it only provided by large tech companies - it is used by students and professionals in virtually every industry to add spatial awareness to their research and operations in order to gain a better understanding as well as aid in decision-making and engagement.

About [email protected]
自由伔安卓版中文版Geospatial @ UCSF is managed by Mōno Simeone (pronounced: moe-no).


For any inquiry please use the Geospatial Support Request form. No direct emails please.

Happy Mapping!

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